I would like to thank each of the lovely book bloggers who hosted me on their blogs, and who made my virtual book tour to launch A Farewell To Imperial Istanbul such a fabulous success.
With their help, A Farewell To Imperial Istanbul launched as the Top New Release in Amazon.com in various categories, including History of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, Historical Middle Eastern Fiction, and Historical World War I Fiction which was amazing. I had a lot of fun answering their many questions, ranging from the inspiration behind the book to my writing routine and so much in-between!
Thank you to everyone who took part in the book launch and for being part of my writing journey…
Mai’s Musings
Where does the inspiration for your books come from?
The inspiration for my books originates from the many fascinating stories and memories my grandparents shared with me. They were both born in İstanbul during the twilight years of the Ottoman Empire and lived through immense change and upheaval. As a child, I was captivated by all that they had witnessed, and this ignited my passion for preserving their forgotten world and honouring their legacy through storytelling. Through my books, I want to ensure that my children and grandchildren understand and appreciate their heritage. I also hope that the curiosity sparked in my readers by the glimpse into this era will encourage them to delve further into Ottoman history and perhaps inspire them to embark on their own journey to discover the beauty of İstanbul.
You can read the interview in full here.
My Reading Getaway
How do you balance historical accuracy with creative storytelling when crafting your narrative?
I am naturally more of an historian than a storyteller, so I do find balancing historical accuracy with creative storytelling a challenge. When I start a new project, I dive into conducting extensive research to fully understand the historical context, setting, and characters. This takes me months, if not years, as I always seem to get dragged down rabbit holes and wander off at tangents! Once I have a solid foundation, I try to weave a compelling narrative around these historical elements. I strive to remain true to the spirit of the era and the nature of the characters while infusing the story with life and imagination.
You can read the interview in full here.
Splashes Into Books
Which scene in your book was the most challenging to write, and why?
The most challenging scene to write was definitely the final one in the book. It was deeply personal and emotional for me because it is based on the tragic experiences of my grandparents at the moment they were forced to leave their homeland and go into exile. Imagining how they must have felt at such an incomprehensibly unbearable time made my eyes well up with tears as I typed the words. It was difficult because I really wanted to capture the depth of their emotions and the weight of their circumstances while creating an ending that was both poignant and reflective. I wanted to leave readers with a sense of closure while honouring the memory of my family – I just hope I managed to do this, even in a small way…
You can read the interview in full here.
Portobello Book Blog
Tell me about TWO of the characters in your book
Prince Ali Vâsıb : The main character is my grandfather, His Imperial Highness Prince Ali Vâsıb, the great grandson of Sultan Murad V. He emerges as a sensitive yet rebellious protagonist, motivated by a desire to challenge the status quo and usher in a new era of progress for his nation. He enjoys riding, hunting, and dancing with beautiful White Russian aristocrats at the thés dansants held at the Pera Palace Hotel! Vâsıb’s motivations stem from a frustration at the limitations imposed by his position and with conservative attitudes that resist change and modernisation. His character embodies youthful optimism and a longing for a liberated and more forward-thinking Turkey.
Princess Fehime : A character I most relate to is Her Imperial Highness Princess Fehime, the daughter of Sultan Murad V. At first glance, Fehime is the quintessential Princess, known for her social charm, grace and elegance. Yet, beneath this façade lies a fierce determination to contribute meaningfully to her country’s defence during the Turkish War of Independence, involving her in the gathering of vital intelligence for the Turkish Nationalist Movement. She emerges as a courageous and strong figure, whose resilience and patriotism echo through history – a woman who risked everything to shape the destiny of her nation.
You can read the interview in full here.