The Gilded Cage on the Bosphorus
The Ottomans : The Story of a Family
Today I am going to introduce Princess Fatma – the youngest of Sultan Murad V‘s children who were alive at the time the book is set.
Princess Fatma was the daughter of Sultan Murad V and his Fourth Consort, the Lady Resan. She was born on 19th June 1879, at the Çırağan Palace. Her birth was the first to happen at Çırağan during the years Murad’s family were held in confinement there.
Character & Appearance

Fatma was very different from her two elder sisters, Hadice and Fehime. She was modest, serious, uncomplaining, and far more even-tempered. I do not think that she would have approved of her sisters’ decision to leave Çırağan in order to find husbands. Not when the condition was that they would never be permitted to see their father again. I also do not think that Fatma would have approved of the impulsive, frivolous and often extravagant way her sisters lived. Yet, because she was so kindhearted, I am certain that Fatma would never have judged her sisters for the choices they made.
Fatma took pleasure in doing things for others. She enjoyed caring for her mother and father, and looking after her nieces and nephews. She also took on many duties and responsibilities to ensure the smooth running of the harem, particularly after her father’s death. Like her sisters she had received an extensive education, and enjoyed reading French novels and playing the piano. She was well-read and clever, although not as intellectual or accomplished as Fehime.
Neither was she beautiful, as Hadice was considered to be. She had dark hair and was rather plump. She had her father’s eyes – striking, large, doe-like chestnut-brown eyes. They somehow drew people in to her warm, gentle soul revealing a beauty that lay within.
Fatma: As Portrayed in ‘The Gilded Cage on the Bosphorus’
I found it hard to decide on a passage to include in this post. I hope this one does Fatma justice. It describes an intimate moment between a loving father and a dutiful, adoring daughter. Not a moment restricted by formality or protocol, as perhaps expected between a former Sultan and an imperial princess at that time. Murad and his family were particularly close, and displays of love and affection were commonplace. The moment is particularly significant as Murad is never able to enjoy such simple pleasures again…
‘Meanwhile, Fatma had persuaded her father to leave the solitude of his rooms and accompany her in a gentle stroll around the fruit gardens. They walked side by side, their arms lovingly entwined ……. Murad reached up to an overhanging branch and picked a juicy, ripe peach from one of the trees. He gave it to his daughter, kissing her adoringly on the cheek as he did so, then smiled as she took a bite. He was pleased that he had agreed to the walk: he felt that the warmth of the sun combined with the warmth of his beloved daughter’s love had rejuvenated him a little.’
What Next??
You have now met Sultan Murad V, and his four children – Prince Selahaddin, and the Princesses Hadice, Fehime and Fatma. So, shall my next post introduce you to my main antagonist, Murad’s younger brother Sultan Abdülhamid II? Or would you prefer to meet Murad’s two grandsons and his five granddaughters, all of whom lived at Çırağan and have large parts to play in the story? Alternatively, would you like to learn about one of the main themes of the book? The choice is yours – I await your replies…
Dear Highness
Thank you for kind information.
Best regard
I’m loving reading all about your family ,
I absolutely cannot wait for you to publish this book .
Thank you for sharing your family with me and many others
Thank you so much for your lovely message Oya. It is wonderful to hear that someone other than my mother and father are actually excited about the book! Your message has given me a lot of encouragement… Thank you and Hayırlı cumalar. Ayşe Gülnev
Sultan Abdulhamid!!
Definitely the grandchildren! Always a pleasure to look into the lives of the next generation 😊
selam sultanım yazılarınız çok güzel osmanlı sultanlarının hayatlarını sizin gibi bir sultan dan öğrenmek güzel
Çok teşekkür ederim. Yazılarımı okumayı sevdiğiniz için çok mutluyum.
selam sultanım anladığım kadarıyla kitap yazıyorsunuz inşallah yayınlanır kitabınız bizlerde alır zevkle okuruz
Inşallah. Teşekkür ederim…