I feel completely overwhelmed and undeserving of the positive and supportive reviews I have received on ‘The Gilded Cage on the Bosphorus’.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has bought and read the book. I hope that you enjoyed the story and that you feel that you know a little more about Sultan Murad V and his family having done so. I also hope that you felt able to open your hearts a little to them all, while spending some time in their company…
Secondly, I would like to say a very special thank you to everyone who so kindly wrote a review. I hope that these reviews will encourage others to want to read the story of Murad V and his family too…
Excerpts From A Selection of Amazon Reviews

If you haven’t got your copy of ‘The Gilded Cage on the Bosphorus’ yet perhaps the reviews I have shared above may have tempted you into logging into Amazon, Kobo or nook! And if you do decide to read the book, please do leave a review as I would love to know what you think of the story…